The Afifeed system is dedicated to the management of the feed automatic distribution through automatic feeding stations to be placed into animal’s groups. Each station is able to manage the distribution from 1 to 4 solid feed. Combining all data in the Afifarm managing software (number of lactation, milk yield, milking days) we can set a series of menu which can satisfy the different needs of the cows in production, dry cows or heifers. Once the parameters set, Afifarm is able to assign the rations to the animals and change them automatically in case of changing circumstances. In a complete Afimilk system we can create complex rationings which take account of the milk yield data (with Afimilk), body weight changing (with Afiweight ) and the quality of the milk produced (with Afilab).
It is available also another Afifeed version to be installed on the milking parlour with fixed rapid exit and onto the rotary milking parlours to distribute the feeding during the milking phase.
Management system modules