Milking clusters

Conan S model
This cluster represents the evolution of the traditional Conan cluster model. Even more balanced, light and ergonomic, it simplifies the milker’s task during the connection phase and it grants an optimal position on every type of milking parlor. Thanks to the new type of cup, it allows you to keep separated the big milk flows of the quarters, lowering the risk of “cross contamination”. The great capacity of the Conan S cluster and its conical shape make it perfect to grant the optimal management of the big milk flows of the high production milking cows. Equipped with a connection for the backflush, it can be used also in milking parlors characterized by an upstream washing system of the milking groups with water intake at the level of the cluster’s cup. Cup and upper cover both in plastic.

Conan model
Cluster characterized by a particular conical shape which eases the rapid outflow of the milk. Thanks to its discharge speed it is particularly appropriate for high productions herds and important milk release flows. Upper cover in stainless steel and plastic cup.

Sphera model
Half-sphere shaped cluster. Thanks to its balanced shape and great capacity it suits every type of milking parlor. Equipped with an appropriate connection it’s able to manage the backflush with water intake at the level of the cup. Available also a version with a valve for the milking parlors with manual milking. Upper cover in stainless steel and plastic cup.