Ventilation and cooling system
Cooling Systems
Cows tolerate very well temperatures between 1 e 21°C. Above 21°C, in condition of standard relative humidity, the unease begins. The signals of heat stress occur with an increase of rectal temperature ( above 39,1°C), increase of breath frequency, decrease of milk production and ingestion (John J. Tyson, Extension Educator del Dairy Team 2012).
TDM offers you a wide variety of solutions for the ventilation of your cows which allow you to check the microclimate of the farm and help the animals to overcome unscathed the periods characterised by high temperature, as it happens now very frequently during our summers. Our fans, thanks to the particular blade design, allow to move uniformly a higher air flow rate in comparison to the other ventilation systems currently on the market, lowering the heat effectively.
Why choose our fans?
• Simple and strong
• Low noise and high energy savings
• High flow rate with low round per minute
• Uniform air distribution
• Brushless motor (inverter equipped in the motor)
The ventilation systems can be managed in manual mode (on/off) or by elaborated solutions able to regulate the functioning of the entire system based on temperature index and environmental humidity ( THI index ) detected by appropriate probes. It is also present an anemometer to monitor the wind intensity and automatically stop the fans if this is too strong. If necessary, different zones with different settings can be defined in the same barn.
Ceiling fan model Air 2
We are talking about a fan with blades placed in horizontal position in relation to the ground. Its task is to move a great quantity of air at a low speed in order to grant a constant air circulation in the environment in which the animals live, dispersing the gas that could be stagnant in the barn (ex. ammonia ). Equipped with a brushless motor they can grant very low energy consumption and a low noise.
Availabel diameter version Air 2
– All models have the same 5-blade rotor
– Available diameter are: 3-4-5-6 meters
Available in two models: motoinverter with integrated inverter or motoinverter and gearbox. This model can be made with a diamater of 5 or 6 meters.
Dual Blade
The Dual Blade fan is a 2 blades available in 2,4 or 2,6m diameter. It is installed with an inclination of 70 degrees in relation to the ground and it is applied in all the areas of the barn such on the feeding lines and waiting areas combined with the wetting system and on the stalls.
The presence of only 2 blades and a smaller brushless motor allows for a faster rotation compared to the competitor model. The Dual Blade has a surprising combination between the speed of displaced air and energy consumption.
The Dual Blade model represents a competitive solution in terms of prices and grant high performances in addition to very low operational costs.
The Dryer has to be used exclusively combined with the watering- ventilation system and has the function of a fast dryer. Thanks to its small dimensions the Dryer can be installed is low ceiling environments. The Dryer can be equipped if needed with a protective cage.
Our Dryer Model, light and small (1.3m ø) is equipped with 3 high resistance polymer blades, it is installed with an inclination of 70° to the ground. Equipped with a direct motor (on/off), is capable of reaching a very high speed, pushing the air more than 3m/s.
• Very affordable
• Fast drying effect
• The small dimensions allow the Dryer to be installed in low ceiling buildings.
Blue Fan
The Blue Fan is the best solution when looking for a small but high performance product.
This duct fan has a front-rear protection which makes it suitable for low ceiling and restricted spaces.
Light and small Diameter (ø 0,85m) is equipped with 5 strong polymer blades and installed 70º to the ground.
It can be powered by a standard direct electric motor or a new generation brushless magnetic motor with an integrated inverter which pushes the air at more than 3 m/s.
The Blue Fan can be paired with our big drops cooling system.
The compact size, the high performances and the light weight duct make this fan the ideal solution to create the “tunnel” effect necessary to dry the animals.
Big drip cooling system
Authoritative researchers have showed that the most efficient cooling system for milking cows is the direct one. TDM has started using this system some years ago and it can be adaptable to every kind of barn.
Technical characteristics:
A stainless steel tube characterized by brass nozzles is installed along the feeding lane and it distributes big drip water directly on the animals. This sysem is usually combined with the installation of a ventilation system, as our Cross model, with whom we are able to lower the body temperature of the animals thanks to the air movement. After being wet with the sprinklers, the animal is dried by the fan which allows the water evaporation on the animal skin. The rpovision of water is managed by a command electric panel according to the internal environmental conditions of the barn. The locasied diffusion of the big drip water avoids problems concerning anomalous fermentation in bedding and manger. Simple installation and low maintenance.

This family of control units are able to manage complex ventilation system which integrate ceiling ventilation, auxiliary ventilation and wetting lines.
The control units work based on temperature only, T.H.I. and humidity only (AIR 2 only).
The AIR1 let to manage one area, while the AIR 2 manages 2 areas. This last unit, additionally, lets to set automatic switch off timers (Veterinary visit or milking). Both have a cross wind safety stop controlled by an anemometer.
An allarm can be set to communicate when the temperature or T.H.I. pass the limit point.

Our simplest control unit which allows the customer to manually set the RPM.
Designed to manage small group of ventilators or if there is the need for manage one fan individually.

The LCD touchscreen can be connected to the AIR 2 allowing for a faster and easier overview or setting change of the system.
Robot e comfort