Milk pasteurizer

Pasteurizer the waste milk represents an important and essential solution for all the dairy farm that daily have to manage calves weaning.
Pasteurizer was made to recover the waste milk, unfit for human consumption, that should only represent a loss of money.
Pasteurizer adopts a heat treatment to reduce bacteria in order to guarantee milk healthiness to calves.
Rising milk temperature above 65°C, bacteria, both pathogenic than not, are significantly reduced, increasing milk quality and avoiding intestinal diseases in calves (than often can bring to death young animals).
- Recovery of waste milk
- Maintenance of milk organoleptic features Milk waste reduction
- Costs reduction
- Better calves health conditions
- Better growth performances
- Possibility to recover exhaust hot water
- Excellent to match pasteurizer with calves feeder
Stainless steel tank, supported by a stainless-steel frame, available wheel-mounted or not. A stainless steel heating coil, located on the tank bottom, carries hot water (90°C) to increase milk temperature up to 65°C for 30 minutes.
Later cold water will carry the heating coil to cool down and preserve milk.
A wall electro-hydraulic control panel, connected to the pasteurizer by high pressure and resistant rubber tubes, manages the whole process.
These tubes, using fast clutch system, allows a fast and reliable connection to the tank.
The process is completely controlled by an electronic device that permits to customize the cycle to face the needs of different users.
An electronic panel guides the user showing messages and indications in an easy way.
A low speed stirrer guaranties the mix uniformity and, as a consequence, the treatment homogeneity, without modify milk organoleptic characteristics.
Models and sizes
Pasteurizer are available with different capacity: 100, 200, 300 and 500 liters.
Model between 100 and 300 liters could be requested also on wheel-mounted version, to make easier the transport of the milk through the farm. The transport is simplified also by the fast clutch system, that allows to separate easily the thank from the wall electro-hydraulic control panel.
Milk quantity for the pasteurizer range from 50 liters (version 100) to 450 liters (version 500).
For all versions an automatic washing system is available.
Calves feeding