R3 Rotary milking parlour
ROTARY WITH EXTERNAL MILKING The Rotary milking parlour R3 is the jewel of TDM parlours, the first and only rotary entirely “Made in Italy”. Conceived to combine a heavy-duty structure, made to milk 24 hours a day, with a simple, clean and elegant design. The platform of our rotary, designed and installed by TDM in every single component, is realized in short time through a modular bolted structure. Then the concrete base is poured on this structure. The cage is composed by vertical inox cabinet for the housing of removal cylinder, the milk meter keyboard and the openable inox plate for washing system. The rotation mechanism on wheels made of Teflon is managed by oleo dynamic motors. The platform is inclined towards the inside of the central hole but the water does not fall inside the rotary but it is recovered and carried externally through an appropriate gathering system. The rear milking is supported by a dedicated positioning arm, designed specifically for the TDM rotary. Available both in galvanized iron and stainless steel, our rotary milking parlour is characterized by the care of details and the attention dedicated to every aspect of the installation. The rotary is certainly the system which allows the farmer to reach the best performances in terms of cow/milking hour but, to make this happen, it is essential to let the rotary works continuously and that the animals enter and exit from the parlour in maximum calmness and naturalness. Very important to obtain the best result, more in this parlour model than in the others, is the presence of the backing gate which allows the loading of animals in groups, one after another, in order to keep the rotary active by a constant flow of animals. If you are thinking about a solution with a rotary milking parlour you can contact us to evaluate a project that meets your livestock’s requirements. Several optional and automations are available for our rotary milking parlour to allow you to realize the one best suited to satisfy your requirements. Technical Characteristics
- Squared section tubulars
- Stall interaxe on external diameter 95 cm
- Number of stalls from up to 40
- In galvanized iron or stainless steel
- Movement by hydraulic motors
- Available with customized feed distribution
- Available with Backflush (washing clusters after each every cow milking)
- Available with electronics milk meters and computerized management system
L’Automatic Teat Spraying Robot è un sistema che esegue in automatico la disinfezione delle mammelle con un prodotto spray prima che gli animali escano dalla giostra. Il braccio comandato da un pistone si posiziona sotto la mammella della vacca ed un apposito sensore fa partire lo spruzzo di disinfettante quando la bovina non è più attaccata al gruppo di mungitura. Il braccio è flessibile, questo garantisce che non possa rompersi ne recar danno in caso di contatto con l’animale o con parti della giostra. Questo sistema è applicabile anche alla fase del pre-dipping e comporta un notevole risparmio in termini di manodopera.

Con il sistema innovativo AD 4.0 l’allevatore ha la possibilità di tenere sotto controllo la propria azienda grazie ad un unico touch panel sul quale impostare diversi parametri sia per la sala di mungitura che per il sistema di refrigerazione che di ventilazione.
Si potranno per esempio regolare i valori del vuoto di mungitura, tutte le impostazioni per il lavaggio dell’impianto e del tank, così come la temperature e le pressioni dei gruppi frigo in tempo reale, impostando i parametri desiderati e ricevendo avvisi in automatico in caso di anomalie.
Il controllo è possibile anche da remoto con un semplice collegamento internet.
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