R4 Rotary milking parlour

TDM officially introduces the new R4 milking carousel. Like the R3 model, the R4 is completely “Made in Italy”. R4 are designed to combine a “heavy duty” structure, made for milking 24 hours a day, with a simple, clean and elegant line.

Among the novelties of the new R4 rotary model is a modular platform in stainless steel covered with tough metal almond sheet and movement with electric motors adjustable by inverter. The lower weight ensures lower energy consumption. The cabinet, in stainless steel, is revolutionized compared to the R3 model and has a design that facilitates further the entry and exit of the animals, the removal cylinder is contained in the horizontal dividing barrier.

Summary of R4 milking carousel technical characteristics:

– Platform and cabinet completely in stainless steel;

– Less weight and less electricity consumption

– Lower cabinet to facilitate the entry and exit of the animals

– Inclined dividing barrier with removal cylinder containment casing

– Heavy duty structure designed to work 24/7


The Automatic Teat Spraying Robot is a system that automatically disinfects the udders with a spray product before the animals leave the carousel. The arm controlled by a piston is positioned under the cow’s udder and a special sensor starts the spray of disinfectant when the cow is no longer attached to the milking group. The arm is flexible, this guarantees that it cannot break or cause damage in case of contact with the animal or with parts of the carousel. This system is also applicable to the pre-dipping stage and results in considerable savings in terms of labour.


With the innovative AD 4.0 system, the farmer has the possibility of keeping his company under control thanks to a single touch panel on which to set different parameters both for the milking parlor and for the refrigeration and ventilation system.

For example, it will be possible to adjust the milking vacuum values, all the settings for washing the system and the tank, as well as the temperatures and pressures of the refrigerating units in real time, setting the desired parameters and receiving automatic alerts in case of anomalies.

Control is also possible remotely with a simple internet connection.